리뉴얼 오픈: 키쿠치 간지 기념 박물관 내의 카페 다이닝 사후(Cafe Dining Safu)

도쿄의 숨은 안식처
2024년 4월 20일 토요일에 오픈 합니다. Safu의 컨셉은 일본의 다양한 지역의 정수를 도쿄로 가져오는 것입니다. Safu는 식자재로부터 음료까지 전국 각지의 엄선한 재료를 사용하고 있습니다.
일본식 정원으로 둘러싸인 평화로운 공간은 잠시나마 도시의 번잡함으로 부터 벗어나게 해주며 정원의 정기와 조용함으로 힐링을 선사해줍니다.

■ 시설개요
・명칭 : 카페 다이닝 사후(Cafe Dining Safu)
・그랜드 오픈 : 2024년 4월 20일 토요일
・위치 : 105-0001 일본 도쿄도 미나토구 토라노몬 4-1-35
・ 휴관일 : 월요일(월요일이 공휴일인 경우 다음 화요일이 휴관)
・영업시간 : 11:00 – 18:00
(라스트 오더 : 푸드 메뉴 17:00 / 카페 메뉴 17:30)
・전화번호 : 03-6453-0097
・이메일: [email protected]
・공식 홈페이지: http://safu.by-onko-chishin.com
・인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/safu_cafe_dining
히비야선 가미야초역 4b출구 도보 6분
히비야선 토라노몬힐스역 A2a출구 도보 8분
난보쿠선 롯폰기잇초메역: 개찰구에서 도보 8분
난보쿠/긴자선 다메이케산노역: 13번 출구에서 도보 8분
긴자선 도라노몬역 3번출구 도보 10분

리뉴얼 오픈: 키쿠치 간지 기념 박물관 내의 카페 다이닝 사후(Cafe Dining Safu)2024-05-07T21:52:22+09:00

开业公告:4月20号 菊池宽实纪念智美术馆设有“温故知新 茶枫阁”


■ 设施概要
・名称:温故知新 茶枫阁
・休息日:周一  ※如若星期一为节假日,则改为星期二休息日
・营业时间:11:00 – 18:00(餐点 L.O. 17:00、咖啡/饮料 L.O. 17:30)
・电子邮件:[email protected]


开业公告:4月20号 菊池宽实纪念智美术馆设有“温故知新 茶枫阁”2024-05-07T21:51:15+09:00

開幕公告:4月20號 菊池寬實紀念智美術館設有“溫故知新 茶楓閣”


■ 設施摘要
・名稱:溫故知新 茶楓閣
・休息日:週一 ※如若星期一為假日,則改為星期二休息日
・營業時間:11:00 – 18:00(餐點 L.O. 17:00、咖啡/飲料 L.O. 17:30)
・電子郵件:[email protected]


開幕公告:4月20號 菊池寬實紀念智美術館設有“溫故知新 茶楓閣”2024-05-07T21:50:43+09:00


温故知新在“亚太经济地区高成长企业500强” 排名中实现了重大飞跃,从之前的第491位跃升至今年的总排名第78位(国内第6位)。此外,我们在酒店和旅游领域获得了第二名(国内第一名)。这一成就也是我们在2022年入选之后取得的。





FT Ranking: High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2024 has selected ONCOCHISHIN

Our company made a significant leap in the “High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific TOP500” rankings, climbing from our previous position of 491st to an impressive overall ranking of 78th (6th domestically) this year. Additionally, we secured the 2nd place (1st domestically) in the Hospitality & Travel sector. This achievement follows our selection in 2022 as well.

■「High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2024」

FT Ranking: High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2024 has selected ONCOCHISHIN2024-05-02T02:02:46+09:00

“温故知新 瑞翠 濑户内”由于节能效果,每年二氧化碳排放量减少 30%,空调和暖气以及重油消耗有着明显的减少

我们的酒店是一家设计师酒店,由世界著名建筑师安藤忠雄于 1998 年建造,作为艺术博物馆和宾馆。其特点是天花板高度较高,从大窗户可以欣赏到濑户内海的景色。景色会随着天气的变化而随时变化,室内的温度也会随着天气的变化而变化。设计师的独特想法在整个建筑中显而易见,尽管我们多年来一直在尽可能不改变设计师意愿的情况下尝试更新设施,但却很困难。
到目前为止,使用的主要加热和冷却设备是重油锅炉。对于空调和暖气之间的切换,聘请了外部专家来进行切换工作。从 2021 年秋季开始,我们利用环境部的拨款更换了重油锅炉并安装了新的热泵设备。从而降低了空调和供暖之间的切换成本。此外,将2022财年的实际数据与基准期进行比较时,尽管客人数量增加了约5%,但重油使用量却减少了86%,二氧化碳排放量减少了30%。

“温故知新 瑞翠 濑户内”由于节能效果,每年二氧化碳排放量减少 30%,空调和暖气以及重油消耗有着明显的减少2024-05-02T02:04:41+09:00

“溫故知新 瑞翠 瀨戶內”由於節能效果,每年二氧化碳排放量減少 30%,空調和暖氣以及重油消耗有著明顯的減少

我們的酒店是一家設計師酒店,由世界著名建築師安藤忠雄於 1998 年建造,作為藝術博物館和賓館。其特點是天花板高度較高,從大窗戶可以欣賞到瀨戶內海的景色。景色會隨著天氣的變化而隨時變化,室內的溫度也會隨著天氣的變化而改變。設計師的獨特想法在整個建築中顯而易見,儘管我們多年來一直在盡可能不改變設計師意願的情況下嘗試更新設施,但卻很困難。

到目前為止,使用的主要加熱和冷卻設備是重油鍋爐。對於空調和暖氣之間的切換,聘請了外部專家來進行切換工作。從 2021 年秋季開始,我們利用環境部的撥款更換了重油鍋爐並安裝了新的熱泵設備。從而降低了空調和暖氣之間的切換成本。此外,將2022財年的實際數據與基準期進行比較時,儘管客人數量增加了約5%,但重油使用量卻減少了86%,二氧化碳排放量減少了30%。


“溫故知新 瑞翠 瀨戶內”由於節能效果,每年二氧化碳排放量減少 30%,空調和暖氣以及重油消耗有著明顯的減少2024-05-02T02:04:49+09:00

SETOUCHI RETREAT by Onko Chishin achieves 30% annual CO2 reduction rate due to energy saving effect, significantly reducing air conditioning and heating switching work and heavy oil consumption

CO2 reduction achieved without deteriorating cash flow
Our hotel is a designer hotel built in 1998 as an art museum and guesthouse by world-renowned architect Tadao Ando . It is characterized by high ceiling height and a view of the Seto Inland Sea from the large windows. While the scenery changes from moment to moment depending on the weather, the indoor temperature also changes depending on the weather. The designer’s particular ideas were evident throughout the building, and although we had been trying for many years to update the facilities without sacrificing the designer’s wishes, it was difficult to update the facilities.

Until now, the main heating and cooling equipment used was heavy oil boilers. For switching between air conditioning and heating, an outside specialist was hired to carry out the switching work. Starting in the fall of 2021, we utilized a grant from the Ministry of the Environment to replace our heavy oil boiler and install new heat pump equipment. As a result, the cost of switching between air conditioning and heating is reduced. In addition, when comparing actual figures for fiscal 2022 with the base period (*), despite the number of guests increasing by approximately 5%, heavy oil usage was reduced by 86% and CO2 emissions were reduced by 30% . did.
*The reference period is the average value from April 2017 to March 2020 before the coronavirus.

Significant reduction in work and change in employees’ energy awareness
Additionally, day-to-day operations have become more convenient, allowing us to switch between heating and cooling depending on changes in the weather or outside temperature, allowing us to respond more closely to customer needs.
Most importantly, by being able to visualize various situations, including the amount of heat produced during production, in real time, each and every employee has become conscious of whether there is a way to use energy more efficiently.

SETOUCHI RETREAT by Onko Chishin achieves 30% annual CO2 reduction rate due to energy saving effect, significantly reducing air conditioning and heating switching work and heavy oil consumption2024-05-02T01:59:54+09:00

“CUVÉE J2 HOTEL OSAKA by Onko Chishin” May features “Taittinger”

During the period from May 1st (Wednesday) to May 31st (Friday), all guests staying at “Taittinger Room” on the 11th floor of the hotel will receive Taittinger original cufflinks and scarf as a gift. In addition, in honor of Mother’s Day on May 12th (Sunday), a special accommodation plan will be available for a limited time to express gratitude to dear mothers. Furthermore, on May 19th (Sunday), an importer dinner featuring Mr. Fore Midori, the brand ambassador of Maison, will be held at the sushi restaurant “AWA SUSHI” within the hotel.Taittinger has been selected for the Nobel Prize Banquet for six years in a row, and is known as the “Lady of Champagne” for its delicate and elegant style and consistently high quality. Please take this opportunity to experience the traditional taste that has been passed down through the family.

May limited gift plan for guests staying at Taittinger Room
All guests staying in the Taittinger Room on the 11th floor of the hotel will receive original Taittinger cufflinks and scarves as a special gift from the Taittinger family.
・Target period: May 1st (Wednesday) to May 31st (Friday)
・Room details: https://www.cuveej2.com/r11/

“Mother’s Day Plan” with Red Carnation at CUVÉE J2 HOTEL OSAKA by Onko Chishin
Period: May 7th (Tuesday) to May 31st (Friday), 2024Plan contents:
・1 red carnation (with wrapping)
・Dinner at “AWA SUSHI”
・3 glasses of drinks during dinner
・Brunch at Salon de Moncher Shinsaibashi branch

・Dinner 17:45 Start time: https://reserve.489ban.net/client/cuveej2/0/detail/866289
・Dinner 20:15 Start time: https://reserve.489ban.net/client/cuveej2/0/detail/866292

5/19 (Sunday) Limited Maison collaboration special project
・Date: May 19, 2024 (Sunday)
・Time: 19:00~
・Champagne offered (5 glasses): BRUT RÉSERVE, Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs 2006, Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs 2007 Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs 2011 (Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs 2011), Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs 2012 (Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs 2012) Year)
・Price: ¥60,000 (tax included) *If accommodation is included, 2 people per room starts from ¥98,747 per person

・Reservation for accommodation included: https://reserve.489ban.net/client/cuveej2/0/detail/860013
*Breakfast and a bottle of champagne representing each maison are provided.
*Dinner course only (no overnight stay): https://reserve.489ban.net/client/cuveej2/0/detail/866276

“CUVÉE J2 HOTEL OSAKA by Onko Chishin” May features “Taittinger”2024-05-02T01:58:18+09:00